mercoledì 15 novembre 2023

World War III has already begun

As the Pope says, the Third World War has already begun, albeit piecemeal, even if in pieces. If we were to give a date for the start of this war, we would start from when the first immigrant boat sank into the sea without being rescued. Why does this happen? Lack of love? Fear of the different? Fear of an invasion? Money issues? Likely In a multicultural world where globalization has been a phenomenon of curiosity, inviting people in the last twenty years to multi-ethnicity, to explore new territories and learn about their customs, in a society where the new world seems to have been discovered by gauzing the internet, the non-place, a virtual space in which everyone can meet, but without touching each other, is it possible not to realize that physical boundaries now only need to be broken down? The global society cannot cut out anyone in this kind of space. In any case, each nation remains clinging to its roots, with a clod of earth in its hand, which becomes a fist of defense and attack. Thus, the war in Ukraine like the Israeli-Palestinian one, which began again after fifteen years, is a war of territory, of resources. By the way, we should ask Jesus how to respond to the attack of a war without ears, even if we already know the answer, which is more ideal, more spiritual; we should ask Mandela who implemented it more practically: how to manage the response to a dictatorial war of years. they cannot kill young people, children, the unaware and do “tooth for tooth”. Otherwise, there is no respite. We need to go to the top, to those old people who made the history of sin, to shake consciences from the base. Seek a dialogue which, if it doesn't exist, must arm itself and stop the hands of those who are aware and don't listen. It is helpful to know the history to understand the present and to read books of philosophy and religion to feel how important is human life. Although, some might say that every war has increased technological developments, accelerating it for war purposes. This is a factual reality. Or some might think what Marinetti wrote about the war: “We will glorify war, the world's only hygiene”.

Social media is our future that we live already in the present

Social media is our future that we live already in the present Pros and cons of social media and social network. We are already living in the future through social media because the transformation of communication is already underway. For example, those who are 40 years old have experienced first-hand the epochal change that technology has brought around the world: from the landline to the mobile phone, from postal letters made of paper and ink to the use of email because of internet. It is undeniably changing the way one communicates. The entry of the internet is the most decisive technological and cultural revolution in this new era that has opened up before the human being. Global connectivity has broken down physical borders and allowed the creation of a virtuous communication network. So through social media, we can connect with others, create communication and officially became a social network. With this shift in focus, all we have to do is analyzse the pros and cons of social media and of being a social network. One of the most obvious pros of using social media is the ability to instantly reach people from anywhere. Furthermore, free and independent information is undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements of the digital age. Digital interculturality, between social networks, allows the exchange of intellectual experiences but also of practical skills such as learning a language, teaching a trade or sharing one's hobby, in a digital space that is open to multiculturalism. «A factor to take into consideration and which is very often underestimated is that social networks are an economical means of communication since everyone has the possibility of connecting without particular costs or even without any costs - as I read in an article on the internet - if you use a free Wi-fi connection as happens in many public areas and at numerous private businesses». As Social Networks offer the possibility of increasing business, we are seeing a lot of companies begin to use this tool. If on the one hand, social media is used by more and more companies to secure their web reputation and develop a brand identity, on the other the capacity of social media can multiply the job opportunities for the individual citizen, using portals such as Infojob or LinkedIn and studying the new opportunities given by digital jobs But, It's no secret that there's also a dark side to social networking. One of the disadvantages of the digital age is, certainly, the risk to privacy on social media. This kind of problem may pose the risk of personal scams as well as government and institutional scams. For example, there is “phishing”, a term that derives from the English word “fishing”: a cyber attack that steal people of sensitive data using, symbolically speaking, a virtual fisherman's lure, in other words, a trick. Another negative phenomenon born from the internet is the increase in the sense of social isolation. As a journalist I read on the internet suggests: «people are now connected all the time and you can pull up a friend's social profile with a click of your mouse or a tap of your smartphone»,so we can understand how it's a lot easier to use online interaction as a substitute for face-to-face interaction. Some people argue that social media actually promotes antisocial human behaviour, because people no longer seek opportunities to see each other physically but are satisfied to live online. We must also not underestimate the fact that: if social media is your main source of news and other information, you may end up in a filter bubble, which is when you isolate yourself from new information and become subjugated by fake news. Cyber bullying is a very serious problem, among those created by social media, even more serious than bullying, as it takes place in a "public square" (the potentially infinite space of the internet) much larger than any real place in which a crime can take place act of abuse or intimidation. Placing a magnifying glass on this phenomenon shows how many facets it can have: today we talk about haters, sextortion, revenge porn and grooming. The future is already present, however, social media are the best contemporary proposal for continuous evolution. The answer to avoid disadvantages and problems is more information. More information in schools, between parents and children, in public places.